Perhaps you haven't yet caught a mullet, but you've heard about them. About their canniness and the power of the fight they give, of the special skills that mullet anglers acquire. You'd like to give them a try, but not sure how to go about it.

Perhaps you are something of a local mullet expert, but want to share that special excitement of hooking and landing a specimen grey ghost with someone else who knows exactly what all the excitement is about.

Well, what will you get for your money?

Firstly, there is the magazine. Some reckon that that in itself is worth the membership fee. Articles written, not by fishing hacks trying to earn a crust, but by enthusiasts with real knowledge and a passion for the species; a letters section where the membership can share their views; news of what's happening around the country and of the issues that affect our fishing now, and what we can do to protect our fishing in the future.

Then there are the various get-togethers, where knowledge can be gained and shared.

Some areas of the country have local groups that meet regularly; for fish-ins, and for a chat over a pint.

Then there are the national fish-ins, where members from around the country get together in friendly rivalry to renew old friendships, fish new venues with knowledgeable guides, and enjoy the sociability of fellow mulleteers, often convening to a local pub when the day's fishing is done.

The AGM is always a well-attended affair, with guest speakers and presentations of the year's certificates and trophies, and a chance to have your say about the running of the club and the future of our sport.

Then there is the list of members around the country willing to share knowledge and to help you tackle an unfamiliar venue, maybe to catch your first mullet.

Many believe that the most important reason for you to join is to help in the battle to conserve this slow growing and late maturing species from the many dangers they now face, so that ourselves and anglers of the future can continue to catch remarkable specimens from our own shores.

Convinced?  Well, why not sign up online, online, or print off a membership form, attach your cheque and pop it into the post?

You will be on your way to becoming a member of one of the best and friendliest fishing clubs in the country.