Illegal Netting / Fishing - What is
Best advice is to immediately report any suspicious activity. Activities such as launching a boat from a trailer in the countryside are obviously suspicious, as well as placing nets across small inlets and in rural areas. Much illegal fishing is done from kayaks or from the shore, or maybe by someone using a rod and line. Many estuaries, especially in the South West, are bass nursery areas and have their own byelaws applying to recreational and commercial fishing. In Cornwall (Cornwall IFCA) and Devon, Somerset and Gloucestershire (D&S IFCA), recent byelaws make virtually all netting in harbours and estuaries illegal. Laws regarding salmon and sea trout are applicable from fresh water all the way out to six miles. If you are suspicious, please report the incident; it is the future of all our fishing that is being stolen. It is also worth considering the Minimum Landing Size requirements (MLS), now more often called the MCRS (Minimum Conservation Reference Size). For species considered commercially important, these are published by the MMO:
IFCAs will usually have their own published sizes, including other species, and details can be easily found on their websites; these sizes apply to commercial and recreational fishermen.
In England, the Environment Agency and IFCAs are responsible for enforcement; the telephone number is the same:
Incident Hotlines (24 Hour Service)
England / Scotland: 0800 80 70 60
Wales: 0300 065 3000
Ireland: 1890 34 74 24
Incident Hotlines (24 Hour Service)
England / Scotland: 0800 80 70 60
Wales: 0300 065 3000
Ireland: 1890 34 74 24
Angling in Rivers and Estuaries
Angling in Rivers and Estuaries
Fishing with a rod and line for sea fish does not require a rod licence. However, if you intend to fish toward the top end of a tidal area, and certainly in fresh water where mullet are often found, it may avoid an unnecessary argument if you have the relevant licence.
Advice given by the Environment Agency to their own officers for enforcement is detailed below:
- A rod licence is required to fish for salmon, trout, freshwater (coarse) fish, smelt or eels.
- Anglers do not need a rod licence to fish for sea fish species such as bass, flounder or mullet.
- For enforcement, our staff will consider whether the angler is fishing at a location and with equipment liable to catch the species of fish for which a rod licence is needed. If so we will enforce the licence requirement.
- Anglers will still need to adhere to byelaws when fishing for sea fish species.
As you can see, enforcement is very much open to interpretation and common sense. If you are fishing for mullet in an area where you are
likely to encounter coarse fish, you would certainly have to adhere to byelaws relating to baits and tactics. Further proof of National Mullet
Club membership would obviously help to persuade any bailiff of your perfectly legitimate intentions. The same would obviously apply should you
be spinning for mullet or bass where migratory fish (salmon and sea trout) are likely to be encountered. It is therefore important to adhere
to the byelaws relating to each region which can be found here:
If you do not already have one, you may wish to purchase an Environment Agency rod license at: