NMC: Photo Highlights of 2020

NMC: Photo Highlights of 2020

Some of the larger mullet captured by members in 2020, when a camera was also on hand.

Some of the larger mullet captured by members in 2020, when a camera was also on hand.

2020: Colin Nedin, 7lb 10oz 2020: Rob Kelly, 7lb 0oz 2020: Paul Howe
2020: Ian Mulligan, 6lb 14oz 2020: Dave Matthews, 6lb 14oz 2020: Stewart Allum, 6lb 11.5oz
2020: Paul Howe, 6lb 10oz 2020: Dave Rigden, 6lb 9oz 2020: Jim Murray, 6lb 8oz
2020: Dave Rigden, 6lb 7oz 2020: Simon Pickles, 6lb 6oz 2020: Dave Matthews, 6lb 3oz
2020: Mark Stinton, 6lb 2oz 2020: Rob Kelly, 6lb 2oz 2020: Mark Bennett, 6lb 1oz
2020: Colin Macleod, 3lb 0oz golden-grey 2020: Mark Bennett, 6lb 0oz 2020: Steve Tierney, 5lb 15oz
2020:Dave Rigden, 5lb 15oz 2020: Laurence Hanger, 5lb 14oz 2020: Dave Rigden, 5lb 14oz
2020: Steve Tierney, 5lb 12oz 2020: Nigel Haywood, 5lb 12oz 2020: Dave Matthews, 5lb 12oz
2020: Dave Matthews, 5lb 12oz #2 2020: Colin Macleod, 2lb 14oz golden-grey 2020: Toby Greenfield, 2lb 13oz golden-grey
2020: Paul Burnett, 5lb 9oz 2020: Dave Matthews, 5lb 9oz 2020: Keith Gillett, 5lb 8oz
2020: Mark Bennett, 5lb 8oz 2020: Bob Kitcher, 5lb 4oz 2020: Steve Tierney, 5lb 4oz
2020: Mark Stinton, 5lb 4oz 2020: Stewart Allum, 5lb 4oz 2020: Colin Macleod, 4lb 2oz thinlip
2020: Pete Bluett, 5lb 2oz 2020: Bob Kitcher, 5lb 2oz 2020: Laurence Hanger, 5lb 2oz
2020: Mark Bennett, 5lb 2oz 2020: Jim Murray, 5lb 2oz 2020: Dave Matthews, 5lb 2oz
2020: Cliff Wilkins Jnr, 4lb 1oz thinlip 2020: John Alvey, 5lb 1oz 2020: John Shapland, 5lb 1oz
2020: Pete Bluett, 5lb 1oz 2020: Laurence Hanger, 5lb 1oz 2020: Dave Rigden, 5lb 1oz
2020: Dave Rigden, 5lb 1oz 2020: Laurence Hanger, 5lb 0oz 2020: Mark Bennett, 5lb 0oz
2020: Greg Turner, 5lber 2020: Paul Howe, 5lber 2020: Paul Howe, 5lber #2
2020: Mark Bennett, 2lb 8oz golden-grey

Special mention; Colin Macleod's 'mullet slam' - all three species in the same session, and all on the fly, in this instance:

Special mention; Colin Macleod's 'mullet slam' - all three species in the same session, and all on the fly, in this instance:

2020: Colin Macleod, 'mullet slam', 2lb 8oz thicklip 2020: Colin Macleod, 'mullet slam', 3lb 2oz thinlip 2020: Colin Macleod, 'mullet slam', 2lb 0oz golden-grey

And finally, Nigel Connor's superb 8lb 3oz June thicklip, a truly special fish - Nigel has since re-joined the NMC.

And finally, Nigel Connor's superb 8lb 3oz June thicklip, a truly special fish - Nigel has since re-joined the NMC.

2020: Nigel Connor, 8lb 3oz