NMC: Photo Highlights of 2019

NMC: Photo Highlights of 2019

Some of the larger mullet captured by members in 2019, when a camera was also on hand.

Some of the larger mullet captured by members in 2019, when a camera was also on hand.


019: Paul Howe, 7lb 0oz 2019: Mark Bennett, 6lb 11oz 2019: Steve Tierney, 6lb 7oz
2019: Andy Burt, 6lb 5oz 2019: Mark Bennett, 6lb 2oz 2019: Dave Rigden, 6lb 1oz & 5lb 9oz
2019: Mark Stinton, 6lb 1oz 2019: Steve Tierney, 6lb 0oz 2019: Mark Bennett, 5lb 14oz
2019: Steve Smith, 5lb 12oz 2019: Mark Stinton, 2lb 13oz golden-grey 2019: John Shapland, 4lb 8oz thinlip
2019: Scott Gardner, 5lb 10oz   2019: John Shapland, 4lb 5oz thinlip