Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct



All members when attending the Fish-Ins should at all times behave in a responsible manner and show courtesy to landowners, other water users and members of the public. Members are reminded that they are 'ambassadors' of the Club on such occasions.

To avoid invalidating the Club's Fish-In insurance, members should fish only from public areas or those with established permitted access. Members should act at all times with due regard to the health and safety of themselves and others.

The organiser of each Fish-In must be aware of the names of all members fishing; members should contact the organiser in advance if they know they will not be able to attend at the designated meeting time. If you have to leave early, please let the organiser know and report back on what you have caught.

It is custom-and-practice for the captor of the biggest fish to write the Fish-In report for Grey Ghost. We would appreciate your co-operation in this respect, but if you are unable to do so, please ensure the Fish-In organiser is aware of this before you leave.

Please remember these requirements, extracted from the NMC Constitution:

15.1 Members shall be required to return alive all mullet caught at fish-ins organised by the club, except in cases of serious unintentional damage to the fish.

15.2 For the purposes of insurance and the award of fish-in trophies (see Rule 12.1(vii)), fish-ins shall be deemed to start and end each day at the times published in the Club's journal and/or newsletter.

15.3 Fish shall be eligible for the award of fish-in trophies (see rule 12.1(vii)) if reported to the fish-in organiser not more than 24 hours after the end-of-day meeting and reported on the member's monthly catch report form as required by Rule 14.1.